
Installation on Docker

In order to install the program, you need to install Docker first.

Installing Docker

To install Docker follow the docker website instructions and post-install instructions.

For Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install curl
sudo curl -sSL | sh

For Windows: you might need to do more steps as described here

Create docker group and add a user

You need to add a user to docker group in order to give docker run permission to the user

sudo groupadd docker                
sudo usermod -aG docker [username] # replace [username] with your user name

Installing and updating Muscle X program suite

You need to have the script available in order to update, and run a Muscle X program on docker. You can download and the latest docker image by

wget && chmod +x
./ update

If you are using ssh to log into a remote server to run musclex there use the following instead

wget && chmod +x
./ update

Running a Muscle X program

Running the program by running following by a program shortcut

./ [program shortcut]

For example, run this command to run Bio-Muscle

./ bm

If you are using ssh to log into a remote server to run musclex there use the following instead

./ bm