How to use

Quadrant Folder (QF) provides two modes for users: Interactive mode and Headless mode.

Interactive Mode

After the program is opened, users will be able to select a file or a folder to process by pressing the button or select an option on the menu bar.


Headless Mode

Image processing performed in the terminal. In the terminal, if the user types musclex eq|qf|di|pt -h -i|-f <file.tif|testfolder> [-s config.json] [-d], MuscleX will run under headless mode. For example: musclex qf -h -i test.tif -s config.json.


  • -f <foldername> or -i <filename>

  • -d (optional) delete existing cache

  • -s (optional) <input setting file>


To generate the settings file, use the interactive musclex, set parameters in it, then select save the current settings in File (top left corner). This will create the necessary settings file. If a settings file is not provided, default settings will be used.


You can run the headless version in Windows using a CMD prompt by replacing musclex in the headless command by musclex-main.exe in C:UsersProgram FilesBioCATMuscleXmusclex.

Multiprocessing on folders

In order to improve the processing speed when analyzing time-resolved experiments, the headless mode is processing one image on each processor available on your computer. For example, with a 24-cores computer, 24 images will be processed at the same time, and the results will be saved in the same file. To follow the execution thread of each processor (as the executions intersect), the process number has been added at the beginning of each line.

Customization of the parameters

Since Headless mode is limited in terms of interactions and parameters to change, you can directly set your parameters in a json format inside qfsettings.json. You might need to look at the code and especially ‘modules/’ to know exactly which parameters to set and how to set them. For example, to set the background subtraction, you need to set ‘bgsub’ to one of the following string: ‘None’,’2D Convexhull’, ‘Circularly-symmetric’, ‘White-top-hats’, ‘Roving Window’, ‘Smoothed-Gaussian’ or ‘Smoothed-BoxCar’.